Wednesday, 28 August 2013

#35 How to use a USB Modem/3G Dongle with any SIM | No Unlocking

 1.) Insert Sim in Modem .
2.) No need of your Modem Software, it will say that it is invalid sim. Ignore that & close it.
3). Start NOKIA PC suite....
4). Go to Nokia pc suite connect to Internet option.
5.)Go to Configure. Select your data card modem, and make all operator apn setting as like when we use Nokia mobile connection Ex: If your SIM is of Docomo then enter Apn as > tata.docomo.internet
6. You're done click on finish.
7. Now connect to internet through PC suite.

Sunday, 25 August 2013

#34 How to hide computer account in your computer ?

1. Open Start menu then click on RUN.
 2. Type "Regedit" press enter
 3. Windows Registry editor will open then navigate from the
 left panel and go to:
 4. Create a new DWORD
 5. setting its name to the name of the account you wish to
 6. Then set its value to "0" to hide it.
 Now your account is hidden!!!
 This account isn't completely hidden because it is visible to
 administrators in Local User and Groups and also the profile
 is visible in the Documents and Settings.

 To Login after you have hidden the account
 1. At Welcome screen, and you want to login to this account.
 2. Press Ctrl+Alt+Delete twice (Only delete is twice)
 3. It will display the log-on promt.
 3. Type the username, and the password and hit enter.

-Do it on your own risk, probably work in all Windows OS.

Wednesday, 14 August 2013

#33 How to Patch Up IDM [Internet Download Manager] (Without any software or anything)

Browse to C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc folder, there you will find a file named hosts. Open that file in notepad or wordpad and append it with following lines

If you are unable to edit the hosts file, just copy that host file on to your desktop, and then open it with notepad and then edit it and press "ctrl+s", and now copy the edited host file back to the "/etc".
Restart your system.

After You add them to the host file, save the host file. Now Register with any of the serials below. For the Name , email etc put in anything but when asked to enter serial Number Put in any from Below


Sunday, 11 August 2013

#32 How To Save Your Smart Phone From Battery Killing Applications

5 Tips to Protect Your Smartphone’s Battery

1.Go Easy on Ad-Supported Apps
Most of the applications constantly connect and reload, which is a major hit to your battery life. Not all free apps have ads; and not all paid apps are ad free. But you can count on any ad-supported app to be a major drain on your battery, especially if it’s using location-tracking to personalize the

2.Beware of Apps that Use Too Many Internal Features
Ads are a particular example, but any app that uses a lot of the ‘internals’ of your phone will suck the juice right out of it. As we’ve said, GPS and other location services are a major concern, but it also goes for vibration alerts, WiFi, Bluetooth, and sensors(accelerometer, compass, etc.)

3.Don’t Allow Push Alerts
Email is great, Facebook is great, knowing the minute that there’s an update to your apps is great. Et cetera. After all, staying connected on a second-by-second basis is the reason you never let your smartphone out of your sight. Having said that, your battery might be drained twice as fast if you leave email push, social media, and/or app update notifications turned on.

4.Be Vigilant about Apps Mess with Your Display
Apps and app settings that adjust the brightness and timeout of the screen could be costing you juice. Obviously one of those bright flashlight apps is going to run your battery down, but also keep an eye on things like graphics-intensive games, e-readers, lock screen gadgets.

5.Monitor your Usage
I’ve been telling you all about apps that you should watch out for, but I’ll change course and recommend two essential types of apps that you should have installed: one to monitor your battery: ideally, with enough detail to let you know exactly what kinds of usage is most draining. And one to kill battery-sucking apps that keep running in the background. There area few apps that do both quite well; Android users should take a look at Android Assistant(which, ironically, comes in an ad-sponsored trial version).
Beware of these factors and save your battery life for long period.

Friday, 9 August 2013

#31 Internet Error Codes!

 Error 400 - Bad request.
 Error 401 -unauthorized request.
 Error 403 - forbidden.
 Error 404 - Not found.
 Error 500 -Internal error.
 Error 501 - Not Implemented
 Error 502 - Bad Gateway
 Error 503 -Service unavailable.
 Error 504 - Gateway Time-Out
 Error 505 - HTTP Version not supported/DNS Lookup Fail/ unknw host
 Error 500-599 - Server Errors........!

Tuesday, 6 August 2013

#30 How to use Google to find serial key of any Software

 2) Type the name of Software you want to crack or serial key
 3) Give space and type 94fbr

For example (quickheal 94fbr)

Saturday, 3 August 2013

#29 Read out.. !

GOOGLE :- Global Organization Of Oriented Group Language of Earth
APPLE:- Asian Passenger Payload Experiment
HP :- Hewlett-Packard
IBM:- International Business Machines Corporation
HCL:-Hindustan Computer Limited
WIPRO:- Western India Product Limited
GE:-General Electronics
INFOSYS:-Information System
TCS:- Tata Consultancy Services
AOL:- American Online
BPL:- British Process Laboratory
INTEL:- Integrated Electronics
CISCO:- Computer Information System Company
DELL:- Michael DELL
SONY:-Sound Of New York
AMD:- Advance micro devices
LENOVO:- LE(Legend),NOVO(New)
COMPAQ:- Compatibility And Quality
LG:- Life's Good

#28 Inventors of Computer Hardware

 1. Key board — Herman Hollerith, first keypunch device in 1930’s
 2. Transistor — John Bardeen, Walter Brattain & Wiliam Shockley (1947 - 1948)
 3. RAM — An Wang and Jay Forrester (1951)
 4. Trackball — Tom Cranston and Fred Longstaff (1952)
 5. Hard Disk — IBM , The IBM Model 350 Disk File (1956 )
 6. Integrated Circuit— Jack Kilby & Robert Noyce (1958)
 7. Computer Mouse — Douglas Engelbart (1964)
 8. Laser printer— Gary Stark weather at XEROX in 1969.
 9. Floppy Disk— Alan Shugart & IBM( 1970)
 10. Microprocessor — Faggin, Hoff & Mazor – Intel 4004

Thursday, 1 August 2013

#27 How to fix Memory Card formatting problem ?

Some times our Memory Cards stop working after we have formatted them from our Computer and not from mobile. If you read user manual of your Mobile you will find a warning message asking you not to format phone memory of your mobile and memory card from computer, you should use mobile.

Memory Card use FAT16(FAT) file system and through your computer you can format it into only FAT32 and NTFS file system and if you format it with any of these two file system then your memory card will stop working in your mobile phone.

The solution of this problem is to format the Memory Card again with FAT(FAT16) file system through computer because your mobile cant read it any more so you cannot format it from your Mobile.

To fix this issue follow the steps given below.

To format your Memory Card with FAT (FAT16) file system, follow the steps given below:

1. Plug-in your Memory Card into your computer.
2. Wait till computer detects the Memory Card.
3. Now note down the Drive Letter of your Memory Card.

--In this tutorial we will assume that drive letter of your Memory Card is H: but you should replace it with actual drive letter of your memory card.

4. Now run Command Prompt by Typing CMD and hitting Enter in Start>>Run or by typing CMD and hitting Enter key after pressing WinKEY+R.
Windows 7 and Vista users should type CMD in Start’s Search Box when Command Prompt appear, right click on it and run as administrator.
5. Once Command Prompt launches, Type H: /fs:FAT and hit enter.

Please note that in above tutorial we assumed that H: is drive letter of memory card but this could not be same in your case so make sure to replace H: with actual drive letter of your Memory Card.
Also Please note that if you format, your data will be erased.

That’s it.
Once your Memory Card is formatted, You can start using it your Mobile.