Computer programming requires a code of ethics , and most of the code of conduct is adapted based on the code of ethics that is now used by a bevy of international programmers .
Ethical code a programmer is as follows :
1 . A programmer should not make or distribute malware .
2 . A programmer should not write code that is hard to follow with purpose.
3 . A programmer should not write documentation for deliberately confusing or inaccurate .
4 . A programmer should not use this code reset by copyright unless it has purchased or been asked for permission .
5 . Should not seek additional benefit of a project funded by the second party without permission . Professional ethics applicable to the programmer in Indonesia 36 . Should not steal software development tools in particular .
7 . Should not receive additional funding from various external parties in a project simultaneously unless getting permission .
8 . Should not write code that deliberately dropped another programmer's code to take advantage in raising the status .
9 . Should not disclose sensitive data of employees in the company .
10 . Not to be informed on the financial problems in the development of a project worker .
11 . Never take advantage of other people's work .
12 . Should not embarrass their profession .
13 . Should not carelessly deny the existence of a bug in the application .
14 . Should not introduce bugs in the software which eventually will benefit the programmer to fix bugs .
15 . Continue to follow the development of computer science . In general , the programmer must adhere to the " Golden Rule " : Treat others as you want to be treated . If all programmers adhere to this rule , there would be no problem in the community .